
About Us

The Cultural Learning Center aims to fulfill learners’ needs, prioritizing interactive and flexible learning and focusing on the quality of content to deliver world-class outcomes. Discover our vast library of knowledge resources, accredited upskilling and training courses, and promising opportunities in shaping the future of cultural learning.



To foster cultural learning in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in all its means to enrich the lifestyles of individuals, contribute to enhancing the national identity, and promote cultural learning and training.


To empower and encourage the Saudi cultural learning sector in a way that reflects the essence of our authentic culture and contributes to our pursuit of a promising future, as well as opens new and diverse avenues to foster learners’ creativity, build their capacities, and encourage cultural expression.
  • To establish a unified cultural learning platform specialized in cultural learning methodologies that significantly and efficiently contribute to achieving the Ministry's educational and training objectives.
  • To consolidate and expand the scope of cultural learning resources, making them accessible to those seeking to build their knowledge and capacity in various cultural fields in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • To disseminate educational content easily and seamlessly for all agencies and entities affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and continuously update this content based on developments.